I haven't been able to get that white tam from that Christmas movie out of my mind. I couldn't find an exact pattern, so I found one that was close. I didn't get much past the brim. I don't even remember exactly what went wrong now, but I frogged it. Oh, it might have been the RT stitch.
So, the other night I had some friends over. I was looking through my books and magazines, trying to find another hat pattern to try. I found one that looked simple enough and the friends agreed. I didn't have a circular needle that was short enough, so I was using a set of double points. The problem was that it was an old set of double points and there are only four of them. I'm used to using sets of five. And they're a little too long and unwieldy. Again, I didn't get much past the brim. It's a lace pattern, and I dropped several stitches. ARGH! I wanted to bawl. I just ripped the needles out and threw the yarn in it's bag.
I still wanted to knit, even though I'm sick. So, I picked up the Wright II sweater, which I haven't gotten very far on. It's just stockinette stitch, which is easy, but it lets my mind wander. I remember that this is my second attempt at this sweater and start feeling like I'm a bad knitter. Poor me.
I went to bed, contemplating the hat issue. Will I really even wear a hat? Why do I want to make one so much? Will a tam make me as cute as the girl in the movie? I like the look of a tam, but I want a hat that's going to cover my ears. What to do . . .