I got to play with M&Ms for my homework assignment last night. I had so much fun with it that I didn't think about taking a picture of my M&Ms until it was too late. I had to search online for a picture to include.
The class is Statistics and we are studying about probabilities. According to the Mars company, who makes M&Ms, there are certain percentages of each of the six colors in any bag of M&Ms. Blue: 24%, Orange: 20%, Green: 16%, Yellow: 14%, Brown: 13%, Red: 13%.
100 samples of two M&Ms were to be drawn. This is 'with replacement' which means putting the two M&Ms back in the bowl before drawing two again. Based on these percentages provided, the assignment asks to calculate the probability of two browns and two blues, and two greens out of the 100 drawings.
I found this very interesting. I made a chart on Excel to record my findings. After I pulled the 100 samples, I didn't want to stop. So, I counted the whole bag. I discovered that the percentages given in the book were not what was happening in this bag of 465 M&Ms. Here is what I found:
Blue: 31%, Orange: 34%, Green: 10%, Yellow: 8%, Brown: 8%, Red: 9%. My blue and orange counts were higher and the others were lower.
Fortunately, I'm not a chocoholic, which allowed me to have fun with this experiment. I did have to fight the other household chocoholics off, though! (Cooper still doesn't understand that her coloring does not come from chocolate!)
Speaking of Cooper, I appreciate the comments from yesterday's post. (Now I know how to get people to respond to my blog!) :) Yes, we think she's beautiful. She's not really that helpful, though. Her head on my leg is what she usually does if I'm eating something and she's hopeful about licking the plate or bowl. Frequently, while I'm knitting she will rest her paw on my arm because she would rather I pet her than play with yarn. And I usually do. That's probably why it takes me so long to get anything knitted, that and homework and the tv and people talking to me.
DD is taking statistics, but she hasn't asked me to buy any M&Ms. Should I suggest this lesson to her teacher? She would eat them!
Wow - that's something I've never thought of doing!
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